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Daisy Morris Nutrition Center

Administrator: Bonnie Corder


110 South Ash Street
Campbell, MO 63933


Phone: 573-246-2329
Fax: 573-246-2329


Center hours: 8am - 1pm
Lunch is served: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Communities receiving home delivered meals:  Campbell,Holcomb, Gipson and Glennonville

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Regularly scheduled activities and programs:


  • Bingo-2nd,3rd and 4th Wednesdays monthly-11:30am

  • Day of Bingo - 4th Thursday each month - 11:30am

  • Blood pressure screening | as scheduled, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • Various times of the month: trivia, Uno, Skipbo, crafts, blood pressure/blood sugar screening, Gibson, etc.

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